Save Javascript objects in sessionStorage

Ferran Basora picture Ferran Basora · May 31, 2011 · Viewed 268.4k times · Source

SessionStorage and LocalStorage allows to save key/value pairs in a web browser. The value must be a string, and save js objects is not trivial.

var user = {'name':'John'};
sessionStorage.setItem('user', user);
var obj = sessionStorage.user; // obj='[object Object]' Not an object

Nowadays, you can avoid this limitation by serializing objects to JSON, and then deserializing them to recover the objects. But the Storage API always pass through the setItem and getItem methods.

sessionStorage.setItem('user', JSON.stringify(user));
var obj = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('user')); // An object :D

Can I avoid this limitation?

I just want to execute something like this:; // 'John' = 'Mary'; // 'Mary'

I have tried the defineGetter and defineSetter methods to intercept the calls but its a tedious job, because I have to define all properties and my target is not to know the future properties.


afreeland picture afreeland · Apr 26, 2012

Could you not 'stringify' your object...then use sessionStorage.setItem() to store that string representation of your object...then when you need it sessionStorage.getItem() and then use $.parseJSON() to get it back out?

Working example