I'm looking for a jquery or javascript image magnifier on hover that does not require two images ( large and small ) to work. I've searched for hours and haven't found any that work the way they are said to.
have all been tried and don't work for one reason or another with my current config.
So at this point I'm looking for non-googled results since I've gone through 25 pages of results from 'jquery Image Magnifier' and nothing has worked.
You could render a duplicate of the image in a hidden canvas, grab a rectangle around the mouse position and render a magnification of this part in a second visible canvas. It is written in very few lines of code - even in plain Javascript:
var zoom = function(img){
var canS = document.createElement('canvas'),
can = document.createElement('canvas'),
ctxS = canS.getContext('2d'),
ctx = can.getContext('2d'),
id = ctx.createImageData(240,240),
de = document.documentElement;
can.className = 'zoom';
can.width = can.height = 240;
canS.width = img.width;
canS.height = img.height;
img.onmousemove = function(e){
var idS=ctxS.getImageData(
for (var y=0;y<240;y++)
for (var x=0;x<240;x++)
for (var i=0;i<4;i++)
id.data[(240*y+x)*4+i] = idS.data[(40*~~(y/6)+~~(x/6))*4+i];
Example: http://kirox.de/test/magnify.html
There's a link to an improved version featuring an adjustable round lens with light effects and barrel distortion. Also works with canvases.