I'm using Antd Select
component to build a custom component which gives me the ability to return an object instead of a primitive value and show nested value in object item in the select dropdown options, it works fine and it can be validated using react-hook-form
<Form.Item ... >
<SpringSelect style={{ width: "200px" }} options={departments} placeholder="Department 2"
name="department2" onChange={e => {setValue("department2", e);}}/>
This also works with Controller
component however it doesn't show the label inside the select input :
<Controller as={<SpringSelect style={{ width: "200px" }} />}
placeholder="Department 1" name="department1" options={departments}
onChange={([e]) => {return { value: e };}} control={control} />
for more details check the whole code in the codesandbox playground
I think the problem is due to your SprintSelect innerProps
have a look my CSB below:
<Select onChange={props.onChange}>