I'm trying to create a sliding checkbox like the one on the iphone.
I started with this script:
$('input[type=checkbox]').live('touchstart', function (e) {
down_x = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
$('input[type=checkbox]').live('touchmove', function (e) {up_x = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
if ((down_x - up_x) > 1) {$(this).change()}});
But it does not seem to work. Any idea on how to implement this?
this was a fun little problem
I got it working just fine, it even works with a mouse :)
I tested it on my Ipad and Iphone and it is pretty cool.
would not take much work to flip this into a plugin but this should work just fine for you
the trick with working with ios mobile events is these three events