Is there a kind of Firebug or JavaScript console debug for Android?

Christophe Debove picture Christophe Debove · May 12, 2011 · Viewed 101.1k times · Source

I'm developing a website for mobile. It works on Firefox desktop. It works on iPhone, but when I press a buton on Android 2.x (and maybe lower). my JavaScript code crashes or what else...

Can I get access to the logger or JavaScript console for those devices?

The better should be a kind of Firebug application.


Paul Beusterien picture Paul Beusterien · May 13, 2011

One option is weinre. It provides DOM & Style editing along with the console. If you don't want to set it up yourself, there is an instance hosted at

The other option is JSHybugger. It's certainly the most complete debugging environment available for android browser. It's a paid product, but probably worth it.