function fail never called if user declines to share geolocation in firefox

theRealWorld picture theRealWorld · May 10, 2011 · Viewed 24.1k times · Source

So I have this javascript code. In safari and chrome, if user declines to share location, it goes to fail function as it should; however, in Firefox, it does not.

Any helps appreciated.

function initGeolocation()
    if( navigator.geolocation )
          // Call getCurrentPosition with success and failure callbacks
          navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( success, fail );
          alert("Sorry, your browser does not support geolocation services.");

 var map;
 function success(position)

     var longIDText = document.getElementById('longID');
     var latIDText = document.getElementById('latID');
     longIDText.value = position.coords.longitude;
     latIDText.value = position.coords.latitude;

  function fail(error)
          var zip_code ;
          while (true){
              // Could not obtain location

              zip_code = prompt("Please enter your current address or zip code","");

              if ( zip_code == "" ) {
                  alert(zip_code +" is not a valid address. Please try again.");
          var zipIDText = document.getElementById('zipID');
          zipIDText.value = zip_code;


Alex K. picture Alex K. · May 10, 2011

For Firefox it seems that PERMISSION_DENIED is raised only if "Never share" is selected; if the dialog is dismissed or "Not now" is selected, effectively nothing happens - even on mozillas geolocation demo if you dismiss the permissions UI nothing happens.

This means that getCurrentPosition can return either because the user closed the confirmation UI, or because it successfully started it asynchronous request - there doesn't appear to be a way to discriminate between the two.