Collections in backbone js don't allow you to set
attributes, but I often find that there is need to store some meta-information about a collection. Where is the best place to set that information?
Just .extend
the collection with a meta data storage function.
var MyCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
initialize: function() {
this._meta = {};
model: ...
meta: function(prop, value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return this._meta[prop]
} else {
this._meta[prop] = value;
var collection = new MyCollection();
collection.meta("someProperty", value);
var value = collection.meta("someProperty");
There may be better places for storing specific meta data but this depends completely on what the meta data is.
For storing generic meta data extending your collection constructor with a method to do deal with that should work.
Be wary that if this meta data needs to be stored and loaded from the server then you've got a bigger task at hand.