I just added a MarkerClusterer to my google map. It works perfectly fine.
I am just wondering if there is any way of adjusting the zoom-in behaviour when the cluster is clicked. I would like to change the zoom level if possible.
Is there any way of achieving this?
There has been an update to the MarkerClusterer source code, allowing much easier access to the click event:
google.maps.event.addListener(markerCluster, 'clusterclick', function(cluster) {
// your code here
where 'markerCluster' ist the MarkerCluster object. Inside the function you may also access
I use this to switch to a different map type, as I use a custom tile set for easier overview on lower zoom levels:
map.setCenter(cluster.getCenter()); // zoom to the cluster center
map.setMapTypeId(google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP); // switch map type
map.setOptions(myMapOptions); // apply some other map options (optional)
Regards Jack