I am trying to use Tone.js to make music with javascript. I get the error message "tonetutorial.html:26 Uncaught TypeError: Tone.Player is not a constructor" whenever I try to make it work.
I have at the top of my HTML file. I am currently using Brackets to write and preview my code.
This is my javascript function
function sequencer() {
const kick= new Tone.Player("Cartoon_Boing.mp3").toMaster();
const kickInputs = document.querySelectorAll(".kick");
this is the HTML
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/tone/14.0.2/Tone.min.js"></script>
<script src=tonetutorial.js></script>
<h1>Music Maker</h1>
<div class="drums">
<div class="kick">
<input type="Checkbox">
When I try to run this, I am being told that "Tone.Player" is not a constructor. can I not use the web cdn in this case? do I have to download the .min to my desktop?
does not include Player
The releases page for the library shows that the latest released version is 13.4.9.
Possibly, 14.0.2 is buggy.
Using <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/tone/13.4.9/Tone.min.js"></script>
resolves the issue.