What's the fastest, pure Javascript, Graph visualization toolkit?

fccoelho picture fccoelho · Apr 17, 2011 · Viewed 40.7k times · Source

This question is about toolkits which draw graphs (those things composed of vertices and edges), not generic plots.

The tool must be able to get a set of vertices and edges, calculate their layout, and display them either using the canvas tag, or SVG, that is be compatible with HTML5.

Flash-based tools and java applets are out.

to serve as unified benchmark, please measure and report how long it takes for the toolkit to layout and draw a Barabasi-Albert graph with 100 vertices and 5 edges per node.

This python lybrary shows how to generate it and exports it to many formats:


Please indicate browser and CPU.


suhair picture suhair · Apr 18, 2011

JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit is awesome and i have not seen a competitor to it.