I'm looking for a good cross-domain iframe resizing script that adjusts its height based on its content. I have access to the html/css for the source of the iframe as well. Is there any out there?
If your users are on modern browsers, you can solve this quite easily with postMessage in HTML5. Here's a quick solution which works well:
The iframe page:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body onload="parent.postMessage(document.body.scrollHeight, 'http://target.domain.com');">
<h3>Got post?</h3>
<p>Lots of stuff here which will be inside the iframe.</p>
The parent page which contains the iframe (and would like to know its height):
<script type="text/javascript">
function resizeCrossDomainIframe(id, other_domain) {
var iframe = document.getElementById(id);
window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
if (event.origin !== other_domain) return; // only accept messages from the specified domain
if (isNaN(event.data)) return; // only accept something which can be parsed as a number
var height = parseInt(event.data) + 32; // add some extra height to avoid scrollbar
iframe.height = height + "px";
}, false);
<iframe src='http://example.com/page_containing_iframe.html' id="my_iframe" onload="resizeCrossDomainIframe('my_iframe', 'http://example.com');">