WYSIWYG GUI builder (IDE) for JQuery or other JavaScript framework?

Scott Szretter picture Scott Szretter · Apr 9, 2011 · Viewed 84k times · Source

Are there any IDE's that allow building of web pages / user interface using javascript frameworks such as JQuery in a WYSIWYG manner?

For example, similar to how Dreamweaver allows you to build HTML pages or NetBeans allows you to graphically design Java applications, Flash Builder can graphically design flash applications.

I would think by now there is something that would let you plug in a javascript framework such as JQuery/JQueryUI or YUI or Prototype, etc. and for example drag in a JQueryUI styled button and position it and size it. Throw on some JQuery fields or a datagrid?

Update: I have found a couple, so I am sure there must be more:

Sencha Ext Designer (commercial) -- supports the ext js framework, JQuery/Prototype and others.

Maquetta (open source) -- supports Dojo, some Jquery/YUI

Wakanda (open source) -- very interesting, looks like their own JS framework. May require the use of their back-end server for db, etc.?