This works
-ms-transform: rotate(30deg);
And following does not
Any ideas why, and how to fix it?
Same thing works good on all other browsers, but not on IE.
Ofcourse, only IE9 supports it. Older versions dont.
The dash ('-') in the property is invalid for use in scripting. You should use msTransform
By the way: though a number of browsers do understand and parse css like style['background-color'] from scripting, afaik Firefox doesn't. Furthermore I think JQuery .css(...)
transforms properties like 'background-color'
to their DOM-scripting equivalent ('backgroundColor'
in this case) before parsing it.
To be complete: JQuery.css
indeed transforms dashed properties to camelCase. Here's a representation of the JQuery.css
-internals with the string '-ms-transform'
var fcamelCase = function( all, letter ) {
return letter.toUpperCase();
var rdashAlpha = /-([a-z])/ig;
// JQuery.css does a replace operation with these variables
// on the raw property string:
alert('-ms-transform'.replace(rdashAlpha,fcamelCase)); //=> msTransform
So that's why $("div").css("-ms-transform","rotate(30deg)")
doesn't work in IE9. IE9 expects: msTransform
Why then, does $("div").css("-moz-transform", "rotate(-90deg)")
work in Firefox? Because Mozilla evidently decided to use complete CamelCase for their -moz-[properties], so the MozTransform
scripting style property is valid (and, by the way, mozTransform
isn't ... really).
It's all to the browser then, nothing new under the digital sun.