Getting the return value of Javascript code in Selenium

Eli Courtwright picture Eli Courtwright · Apr 7, 2011 · Viewed 82.4k times · Source

I'm using Selenium2 for some automated tests of my website, and I'd like to be able to get the return value of some Javascript code. If I have a foobar() Javascript function in my webpage and I want to call that and get the return value into my Python code, what can I call to do that?


Eli Courtwright picture Eli Courtwright · Apr 7, 2011

To return a value, simply use the return JavaScript keyword in the string passed to the execute_script() method, e.g.

>>> from selenium import webdriver
>>> wd = webdriver.Firefox()
>>> wd.get("http://localhost/foo/bar")
>>> wd.execute_script("return 5")
>>> wd.execute_script("return true")
>>> wd.execute_script("return {foo: 'bar'}")
{u'foo': u'bar'}
>>> wd.execute_script("return foobar()")