I'm using Oracle APEX but am unsure how to access the following variables from an external javascript file that may be located on the app server or stored in Shared Components -> Static Files.
How can I reference the values for each of the above from javascript (stored as a Static File)?
These values get rendered on the page as hidden items like this:
<input type="hidden" name="p_flow_id" value="4000" id="pFlowId" />
<input type="hidden" name="p_flow_step_id" value="4150" id="pFlowStepId" />
<input type="hidden" name="p_instance" value="6528421540413702" id="pInstance" />
so you can reference them as:
$v('pFlowId') // APP_ID
$v('pFlowStepId') // APP_PAGE_ID
$v('pInstance') // SESSION
It's a pity they aren't named the same as the session state!