Suppose I have these React components:
const Compo1 = ({theName}) => {
return (
<Nested foo={() => console.log('Dr. ' + theName)}/>
const Compo2 = ({theName}) => {
function theFoo() {
console.log('Dr. ' + theName);
return (
<Nested foo={theFoo}/>
And the nested component, wrapped in memo
const Nested = React.memo(({foo}) => {
return (
<Button onClick={foo}>Click me</Button>
Function passed in foo
is always recreated in Compo1
and also Compo2
, correct?
If so, since foo
receives a new function every time, does it mean memo
will be useless, thus Nested
will always be re-rendered?
You can use new hooks Api(React >= 16.8) to avoid recreating callback func.
Just using useCallback hook for this.
For e.g
Parent component
import React, { useCallback} from 'react';
const ParentComponent = ({theName}) => {
const theFoo = () => {
console.log('Dr. ' + theName);
const memoizedCallback = useCallback(theFoo , []);
return (
<Nested foo={memoizedCallback}/>
useCallback will return a memoized version of the callback that only changes if one of the dependencies has changed (which passed in the second argument) In this case we pass empty array as dependencies and therefore the function will be created only once.
And nested component:
import React, { memo } from 'react';
const Nested = ({foo}) => (
<Button onClick={foo}>Click me</Button>
export default memo(Nested);
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