I'm trying to make one-to-many relationship database with Mongoose
and GraphQL
Whenever I insert the data to GraphQL mutation argument, I will get [Object: null prototype]
I notice the object will have [Object: null prototype]
in front of it when I tried to console.log
for debug purpose.
I have tried many ways, tried to map()
args or even to use replace()
but no luck. All I have been getting is "args.ingredient.map/replace is not a function"
I have test hard coded method by changing the args for example:
args.category = '5c28c79af62fad2514ccc788'
args.ingredient = '5c28c8deb99a9d263462a086'
Surprisingly it works with this method. I assume the input cannot be an object but just an ID.
Refer below for actual results.
Query: {
recipes: async (root, args, { req }, info) => {
return Recipe.find({}).populate('ingredient category', 'name createdAt').exec().then(docs => docs.map(x => x))
Mutation: {
addRecipe: async (root, args, { req }, info) => {
// args.category = '5c28c79af62fad2514ccc788'
// args.ingredient = '5c28c8deb99a9d263462a086'
// console.log(args.map(x => x))
return Recipe.create(args)
extend type Mutation {
addRecipe(name: String!, direction: [String!]!, ingredient: [IngredientInput], category: [CategoryInput]): Recipe
type Recipe {
id: ID!
name: String!
direction: [String!]!
ingredient: [Ingredient!]!
category: [Category!]!
input IngredientInput {
id: ID!
input CategoryInput {
id: ID!
const recipeSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
direction: [String],
ingredient: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Ingredient' }],
category: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Category' }
}, {
timestamps: true // createdAt, updateAt
const Recipe = mongoose.model('Recipe', recipeSchema)
This is the result I console log the args when inserting the data
name: 'Butter Milk Chicken TEST2',
direction: [ 'Step1', 'Step2', 'Step3' ],
ingredient:[[Object: null prototype] { id: '5c28c8d6b99a9d263462a085' }],
category: [[Object: null prototype] { id: '5c28c79af62fad2514ccc788' }]
I assume I need to get something like this
name: 'Butter Milk Chicken TEST2',
direction: [ 'Step1', 'Step2', 'Step3' ],
args.category = ['5c28c79af62fad2514ccc788']
args.ingredient = ['5c28c8ccb99a9d263462a083', '5c28c8d3b99a9d263462a084', '5c28c8d6b99a9d263462a085']
You can do something like below,and [Object: null prototype] would disappear
const a = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(args));
[[Object: null prototype] { id: '5c28c79af62fad2514ccc788' }],
JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(args.category) would be { id: '5c28c79af62fad2514ccc788' }