How to make a table row clickable and expand the row - vue.js - element-ui

Syed picture Syed · Aug 27, 2018 · Viewed 11.1k times · Source

I am using table that has expandable row feature. The row expands when the expand icon is clicked, you can check the example HERE. But, what I am trying to make is, the entire row clickable and toggle expand and collapse the row just like it works when the expand icon is clicked.

Please help.

Here is my markup:

<template lang="pug">
    el-table-column(label="Employee Name", prop="userName")
    el-table-column(label="Company Name", prop="companyName")
    el-table-column(type="expand", align="right" )
        p User Name: {{ props.row.userName }}
        p Company Name: {{ props.row.companyName }}


Syed picture Syed · Aug 27, 2018

Alright, I figured out the solution and answering my own question :)


<template lang="pug">
  el-table(:data="tableData", @row-click="rowClicked", ref="tableData").clickable-rows
    el-table-column(label="Employee Name", prop="userName")
    el-table-column(label="Company Name", prop="companyName")
    el-table-column(type="expand", align="right" )
        p User Name: {{ props.row.userName }}
        p Company Name: {{ props.row.companyName }}


  export default {
    methods: {
      rowClicked(row) {

Style - scss

// click-able rows
.clickable-rows {
  tbody tr td {
    cursor: pointer;

  .el-table__expanded-cell {
    cursor: default;