I'm trying to figure out how to predict paths within the code in an electron packaged app with asar flag.
Using windows (one exe file) and mac (one .app package folder) - each finally includes an asar file, to contain the node scripts.
I want to access the folder where the exe is on windows, and the current package app parent folder.
/Application/my app tools/tool.app -> path to 'my app tools'
C:\Program Files\my app tools\tool\ -> path to 'my app tools'
Using __dirname
and traversing down does not help, since there is a different amount of subfolders on win and mac.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
seems to be related to How to get the original path of a portable Electron app?
Taking a look at the documentation here will provide you the needed opportunity.
Using it from the main process will look like this:
const {app} = require('electron')
console.log('Your App Path: + ' app.getAppPath())
and if you want to use it in a renderer process take a look at this:
const {remote} = require('electron')
console.log('Your App Path: ' + remote.app.getAppPath())