react router doesn't work in aws s3 bucket

Viet picture Viet · Jul 7, 2018 · Viewed 57.4k times · Source

I deployed my React website build/ folder into an AWS S3 bucket.

If I go to, it works and if I click on a tag to go to Project and About pages, it leads me to the right page. However, if I copy and send the page url or go straight to the link like:, it returns 404.

Here's my App.js code:

const App = () => (
                <Route exact path="/" component={Home}/>
                <Route exact path="/projects" component={Projects}/>
                <Route exact path="/about" component={About}/>
                <Route component={NoMatch}/>


A.R Naseef picture A.R Naseef · Sep 15, 2018

I'm not sure if you have already solved it. I had the same issue.

It's because AWS S3 is looking for that folder (projects) to serve from, which you don't have.

Simply point Error document to index.html.

enter image description here

This worked for me. You can handle error pages in react-router.