Enzyme Test React.createRef()

Palaniichuk Dmytro picture Palaniichuk Dmytro · Jun 6, 2018 · Viewed 10.2k times · Source

I have a commponent where I use the new React.createRef() api, how to test document.activeElement should be equal current ref commponent.

component :

export class Automatic extends Component {
    componentDidMount = () => this.focusContainer()
    componentDidUpdate = () => this.focusContainer()

    container = React.createRef()
    focusContainer = () => this.container.current.focus()

    render = () => {
        return (
                onBlur={() => setTimeout(() => this.focusContainer(), 0)}

old testing (works):

it('should focus container on mount', () => {
    automatic = mount(<Automatic classes={{}} />, mountContext)


new one (doesn't work):

it.only('should focus container on mount', () => {
    const container = React.createRef()
    automatic = mount(<Automatic classes={{}} />, mountContext)



publicJorn picture publicJorn · Nov 4, 2018

Updated with working examples. Added a styled-components example.

Here's how I solved it with Jest (uses different assertions, but concept is the same):

// setup
const MyComponent = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => (
        <span ref={ref}>some element</span>

// test
it('should contain the forwarded ref in the child span', () => {
    const ref = React.createRef()
    const component = mount(
            <MyComponent ref={ref} />

  • The idea is to get the instance of the element that has the ref.
  • It seems to only work when wrapping MyComponent in another element, I used Fragment.

I ran into some trouble when using **Styled-Components. This is because it creates a number of extra elements. Try debugging with console.log(component.debug()). It will show you what enzyme renders.

When debugging you'll see that Styled-Components uses the recommended way to forward props.

You can find the right element using the property selector for forwardedRef:

// setup
const El = styled.div`
    color: red;

El.displayName = 'El'

const MyComponentWithStyledChild = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => (
    <El ref={ref}>some element</El>

// test
it('should contain the forwarded ref in a rendered styled-component', () => {
    const ref = React.createRef()
    const component = mount(
            <MyComponentWithStyledChild ref={ref} />

    // Styled-components sets prop `forwardedRef`
    const target = component

  • You can use the same trick if you created a Higher order Component (HoC) where you need to pass ref