I'm trying to understand javascript promises better with Axios. What I pretend is to handle all errors in Request.js and only call the request function from anywhere without having to use catch()
In this example, the response to the request will be 400 with an error message in JSON.
This is the error I'm getting:
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Request failed with status code 400
The only solution I find is to add .catch(() => {})
in Somewhere.js but I'm trying to avoid having to do that. Is it possible?
Here's the code:
export function request(method, uri, body, headers) {
let config = {
method: method.toLowerCase(),
url: uri,
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + getToken() },
validateStatus: function (status) {
return status >= 200 && status < 400
return axios(config).then(
function (response) {
return response.data
function (error) {
console.log('Show error notification!')
return Promise.reject(error)
export default class Somewhere extends React.Component {
callSomeRequest() {
request('DELETE', '/some/request').then(
() => {
console.log('Request successful!')
Actually, it's not possible with axios as of now. The status codes which falls in the range of 2xx
only, can be caught in .then()
A conventional approach is to catch errors in the catch()
block like below:
.catch(function (error) {
if (error.response) {
// Request made and server responded
} else if (error.request) {
// The request was made but no response was received
} else {
// Something happened in setting up the request that triggered an Error
console.log('Error', error.message);
Another approach can be intercepting requests or responses before they are handled by then or catch.
axios.interceptors.request.use(function (config) {
// Do something before request is sent
return config;
}, function (error) {
// Do something with request error
return Promise.reject(error);
// Add a response interceptor
axios.interceptors.response.use(function (response) {
// Do something with response data
return response;
}, function (error) {
// Do something with response error
return Promise.reject(error);