How to properly make mock throw an error in Jest?

Le garcon picture Le garcon · Apr 14, 2018 · Viewed 62.9k times · Source

I'm testing my GraphQL api using Jest.

I'm using a separate test suit for each query/mutation

I have 2 tests (each one in a separate test suit) where I mock one function (namely, Meteor's callMethod) that is used in mutations.

  it('should throw error if email not found', async () => {
      .mockReturnValue(new Error('User not found [403]'))

    const params = { email: '[email protected]' };

    const result = await simulateQuery({ query, params });


    // test logic
    expect(callMethod).toBeCalledWith({}, 'forgotPassword', {
      email: '[email protected]',

    // test resolvers

When I console.log(result) I get

{ data: { forgotPassword: true } }

This behaviour is not what I want because in .mockReturnValue I throw an Error and therefore expect result to have an error object

Before this test, however, another is ran

 it('should throw an error if wrong credentials were provided', async () => {
      .mockReturnValue(new Error('cannot login'))

And it works fine, the error is thrown

I guess the problem is that mock doesn't get reset after the test finishes. In my jest.conf.js I have clearMocks: true

Each test suit is in a separate file, and I mock functions before tests like this:

import simulateQuery from '../../../helpers/simulate-query';

import callMethod from '../../../../imports/api/users/functions/auth/helpers/call-accounts-method';

import LOGIN_WITH_PASSWORD_MUTATION from './mutations/login-with-password';


describe('loginWithPassword mutation', function() {


When I substituted .mockReturnValue with .mockImplementation everything worked out as expected:

callMethod.mockImplementation(() => {
  throw new Error('User not found');

But that doesn't explain why in another test .mockReturnValue works fine...


eduardomoroni picture eduardomoroni · Jun 2, 2018

Change .mockReturnValue with .mockImplementation:

yourMockInstance.mockImplementation(() => {
  throw new Error();