With React Devtools installed, I can get store by:
And how to do it without React Devtools?
I was in a situation where I could not assign anything to window and I also did not have the opportunity to use react or redux dev tools.
This is obviously undocumented and brittle but it seemed to work for me on a few different sites that had redux. Outputs access to state (store with minor tweaks) within console.
Assumes you are rendering react to a dom node with id react-root
const appStates = []
const reactRoot = document.getElementById('react-root')
let base
try {
base = reactRoot._reactRootContainer._internalRoot.current
} catch (e) {
console.log('Could not get internal root information from reactRoot element')
while (base) {
try {
state = base.pendingProps.store.getState()
// This also sometimes works...
// state = base.stateNode.store.getState()
} catch (e) {
// no state
base = base.child
console.log('Application States', appStates)