Mediawiki: how to insert a <script>-Tag

topskip picture topskip · Feb 9, 2011 · Viewed 8.2k times · Source

I'd like to insert a flattr image in my mediawiki installation. That requires to insert a <script>...</script> section into the header of the html file. I have no clue, where I can insert this, for I can't find a <head>-tag in the file MonoBook.php. I use the current mediawiki software (1.16.2) and the MonoBook style. Can someone give me a clue where I can insert the required javascript?


topskip picture topskip · Feb 10, 2011

I have found a good solution: I enable JavaScript with $wgUseSiteJs = true; and insert the flattr js in MediaWiki:Common.js.