I have a web page that shows a large amount of data from the server. The communication is done via ajax.
Every time the user interacts and changes this data (Say user A renames something) it tells the server to do the action and the server returns the new changed data.
If user B accesses the page at the same time and creates a new data object it will again tell the server via ajax and the server will return with the new object for the user.
On A's page we have the data with a renamed object. And on B's page we have the data with a new object. On the server the data has both a renamed object and a new object.
What are my options for keeping the page in sync with the server when multiple users are using it concurrently?
Such options as locking the entire page or dumping the entire state to the user on every change are rather avoided.
If it helps, in this specific example the webpage calls a static webmethod that runs a stored procedure on the database. The stored procedure will return any data it has changed and no more. The static webmethod then forwards the return of the stored procedure to the client.
Bounty Edit:
How do you design a multi-user web application which uses Ajax to communicate with the server but avoids problems with concurrency?
I.e. concurrent access to functionality and to data on a database without any risk of data or state corruption
Hi Raynos,
I will not discuss any particular product here. What others mentioned is a good toolset to have a look at already (maybe add node.js to that list).
From an architectural viewpoint, you seem to have the same problem that can be seen in version control software. One user checks in a change to an object, another user wants to alter the same object in another way => conflict. You have to integrate users changes to objects while at the same time being able to deliver updates timely and efficiently, detecting and resolving conflicts like the one above.
If I was in your shoes I would develop something like this:
Determine a reasonable level at which you would define what I'd call "atomic artifacts" (the page? Objects on the page? Values inside objects?). This will depend on your webservers, database & caching hardware, # of user, # of objects, etc. Not an easy decision to make.
For each atomic artifact have:
A server or pseudo-server component that is able to deliver relevant changelogs to a connected user efficiently. Observer-Pattern is your friend for this.
A javascript client that is able to have a long-running HTTP-Connection to said server above, or uses lightweight polling.
A javascript artifact-updater component that refreshes the sites content when the connected javascript client notifies of changes in the watched artifacts-history. (again an observer pattern might be a good choice)
A javascript artifact-committer component that may request to change an atomic artifact, trying to acquire mutex lock. It will detect if the state of the artifact had been changed by another user just seconds before (latancy of javascript client and commit process factors in) by comparing known clientside artifact-version-id and current serverside artifact-version-id.
A javascript conflict-solver allowing for a human which-change-is-the-right decision. You may not want to just tell the user "Someone was faster than you. I deleted your change. Go cry.". Many options from rather technical diffs or more user-friendly solutions seem possible.
So how would it roll ...
Well I hope this can be a start for your own ideas. I am sure there are plenty more possibilities. I am more than welcoming any criticism or enhancements to this post, wiki is enabled.
Christoph Strasen