Can someone please help me out with printing the contents of an IFrame via a javascript call in Safari/Chrome.
This works in firefox:
$('#' + id)[0].focus();
$('#' + id)[0].contentWindow.print();
this works in IE:
But I can't get anything to work in Safari/Chrome.
Here is my complete, cross browser solution:
In the iframe page:
function printPage() { print(); }
In the main page
function printIframe(id)
var iframe = document.frames
? document.frames[id]
: document.getElementById(id);
var ifWin = iframe.contentWindow || iframe;
return false;
Update: Many people seem to be having problems with this in versions of IE released since I had this problem. I do not have the time to re-investigate this right now, but, if you are stuck I suggest you read all the comments in this entire thread!