Is there a way to embed the animated thumbnail from youtube in my website? I am not talking about the static thumbnail but the one that looks like an animated .gif of about 3 seconds.
As of June 2019:
1. Getting static thumbnail images is straightforward
2. Youtube's animated thumbnails are supported in a limited number of browsers.
3. Getting animated thumbails for a limited number of videos is relatively easy.
You can, for example, inspect the network activity in your browser dev tools (more details for Chrome).
With the network panel open, visit a page listing that includes the desired video, clear the network activity (you can also select 'Img' to display only activity related to images) and hover the desired video. Then just right click on the desired resource and copy the url.
In case an image helps...
The urls of the animated thumbnails look like the following:
4. As far as I know, it is currently not possible to get the animated thumbnails programmatically (without webscraping)
PS.: Hoping that somebody can prove me wrong on point #4, here are a few examples of those URLs:
Changing the video ID or other parameters does not return a valid thumbnail.