I need my script to do something on the first time an element is clicked and continue to do something different on click 2,3,4 and so on
$('selector').click(function() {
//I would realy like this variable to be updated
var click = 0;
if (click === 0) {
do this
var click = 1;
} else {
do this
});//end click
really I think it should rely on the variables but I can't think of how to update the variable from here on out any help would be awesome.
Have a look at jQuery's .data()
method. Consider your example:
$('selector').click(function() {
var $this = $(this),
clickNum = $this.data('clickNum');
if (!clickNum) clickNum = 1;
$this.data('clickNum', ++clickNum);
See a working example here: http://jsfiddle.net/uaaft/