I am using a node.js module that has a method without callbacks. Instead of it, has an event that fires when that method has finished. I want resolve a promise, using that event as callback securing me that method has been completed succesfully.
array.lenght on promise can be X. So, I need 'hear' X times the event to secure me that all methods has completed succesfully <-- This is not the problem, I am just telling you that I know this could happen
Event :
tf2.on('craftingComplete', function(recipe, itemsGained){
if(recipe == -1){
console.log('CRAFT FAILED')
console.log('Craft completed! Got a new Item #'+itemsGained);
const craftWepsByClass = function(array, heroClass){
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject){
if(array.length < 2){
console.log('Done crafting weps of '+heroClass);
return resolve();
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i+=2) {
tf2.craft([array[i].id, array[i+1].id]); // <--- this is the module method witouth callback
return resolve(); // <---- I want resolve this, when all tf2.craft() has been completed. I need 'hear' event many times as array.length
At first lets promisify the crafting:
function craft(elem){
//do whatever
return Promise((resolve,reject) =>
tf2.on('craftingComplete', (recipe,itemsGained) =>
if( recipe !== -1 ){
resolve(recipe, itemsGained);
So to craft multiples then, we map our array to promises and use Promise.all:
Promise.all( array.map( craft ) )
.then(_=>"all done!")