jasmine unit testing - testing for an undefined property of an object

wmitchell picture wmitchell · Jan 10, 2011 · Viewed 36.7k times · Source

I have the following statement


which due to the fact my object A has the top level property "BAR" and bar has the value "foo" passes.

I'd like to test my structure to confirm a property "NONEXISTINGPROP" has not be defined. e.g.


However I seem to get

  "TypeError: A.[NONEXISTINGPROP] is undefined" 

in the jasmine test runner this is exactly what I want to confirm. Any idea why Jasmine is crying. I was hoping for it to pass this.

Thanks SO


wmitchell picture wmitchell · Jan 11, 2011

The answer seems to be ...


ie remove the name bit