Applying image filters to canvas image data or in JavaScript

Rezmason picture Rezmason · Jan 10, 2011 · Viewed 14.4k times · Source

I'm a Flash developer, and I'm working on a JavaScript port of a game. In the Flash version, I use glow, blur and color matrix filters to manipulate the appearances of display objects. I would like to do the same with my JavaScript view. Some of these are embellishments, while others are used to carefully produce a desired result. Because this project's goals are to create an exact port, I'm wondering what options I have to apply filters to raw canvas data, to inline SVG tags or to straight up DOM elements.

I've considered Pixastic, but my collaborator insists on a GPL license for the time being, which means any tech I use must be GPL compatible. Pixastic uses the Mozilla Public License, so I can't use it. (Which is a huge bummer, let me tell you.)

I'll say it again concisely: how do I efficiently apply pixel filters to DOM elements, to canvas image data or to SVG tags with JavaScript?


Erik Dahlström picture Erik Dahlström · Jan 10, 2011

Here's an example showing some svg filtering:

and the corresponding canvas version:

Here are some js libraries for canvas doing what I think you're looking for:

A number of svg filter examples can be found on (CC0 licensed).