How to detect 'Enter' key on keyPress when used with React

saumj picture saumj · Jul 6, 2017 · Viewed 15k times · Source

I am using ReactJs to develop my application. I am trying to submit an input text when Enter is pressed by handling the onKeyPress event. It detects other inputs, but not enter. I have tried different ways - event.key, event.charCode, event.keyCode, event.which... Nothing seems to work.

React.createElement("input", {tabIndex: "1", onKeyPress: this.handleKeyPress, onChange: this.handleChange, 
                           placeholder: "ex: 1,10,15"}), 

handleChange: function (event) {
handleKeyPress: function (event) {
        if (event.charCode == 13) {
            this.props.table.handleSubtotalBy(this.props.columnDef, this.state.userInputBuckets);

I also tried with onKewDown handling, it detects the correct key, but it doesn't execute the if block even though it evaluates event.keyCode == 13 as true.


joews picture joews · Jul 7, 2017

Move e.stopPropagataion from handleSubtotalBy into handleKeyPress:

handleKeyPress(event) {
  if (event.charCode == 13) {
    this.props.table.handleSubtotalBy(this.props.columnDef, this.state.userInputBuckets);

handleSubtotalBy(columnDef, partitions) { 
  const subtotalBy = this.state.subtotalBy || [];
  // ...