Getting image width on image load fails on IE

Fatih Acet picture Fatih Acet · Dec 17, 2010 · Viewed 12.8k times · Source

I have a image resizer function that resize images proportional. On every image load a call this function with image and resize if its width or height is bigger than my max width and max height. I can get img.width and img.height in FF Chrome Opera Safari but IE fails. How can i handle this?

Let me explain with a piece of code.

<img src="images/img01.png" onload="window.onImageLoad(this, 120, 120)" />

function onImageLoad(img, maxWidth, maxHeight) {
     var width = img.width; // Problem is in here
     var height = img.height // Problem is in here

In my highligted lines img.width don't work on IE series.

Any suggestion?



izb picture izb · Jul 25, 2013

Don't use width and height. Use naturalWidth and naturalHeight instead. These provide the image unscaled pixel dimensions from the image file and will work across browsers.