uncaught exception: Error: This operation is not supported in the environment this application is running on. "location.protocol" must be http, https or chrome-extension and web storage must be enabled.
var config = {
apiKey: "*****",
authDomain: "******",
var provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
uncaught exception: Error: This operation is not supported in the environment this application is running on. "location.protocol" must be HTTP, HTTPS or chrome-extension and web storage must be enabled.
Recently even i faced the same error.
You are opening this file directly in the browser without any web server. Firebase authentication won't work if you open the file directly. Try to load your HTML through web server it should solve your issue. The reason behind this bug is when you use authentication services they will use web storage. web storage does not work when you open an HTML file directly without any web browser
For example, use apache and open through apache like http://localhost/filename.html in the browser