I just want my app download a file from the server by using react-native-fetch-blob. The problem is, where do the file stored? I just console.log the callback from react-native-fetch-blob and got this object
React-native-fetch-blob object callback
this is my code
useDownloadManager : true,
fileCache : true
.fetch('GET', 'http://fontawesome.io/assets/font-awesome-4.7.0.zip', {})
.then((res) => {
alert('The file saved to ', res.path());
Any solution?
function downloadFile(url,fileName) {
const { config, fs } = RNFetchBlob;
const downloads = fs.dirs.DownloadDir;
return config({
// add this option that makes response data to be stored as a file,
// this is much more performant.
fileCache : true,
addAndroidDownloads : {
useDownloadManager : true,
notification : false,
path: downloads + '/' + fileName + '.pdf',
.fetch('GET', url);
use this answer it will work for sure