I am using @font-face and I hate that Firefox shows the default font, waits to load the @font-face font, then replaces it. So the whole page flashes with the new font.
Webkit browsers just don't display the text until the font is loaded and it is a much cleaner look.
So, I am wondering if jQuery could help me to know when all data on the page is loaded, including the @font-face file, so that I can then show my text? Is there a jQuery method that tells me when everything is loaded?
I use this function - tested in Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE7, IE8, IE9:
function waitForWebfonts(fonts, callback) {
var loadedFonts = 0;
for(var i = 0, l = fonts.length; i < l; ++i) {
(function(font) {
var node = document.createElement('span');
// Characters that vary significantly among different fonts
node.innerHTML = 'giItT1WQy@!-/#';
// Visible - so we can measure it - but not on the screen
node.style.position = 'absolute';
node.style.left = '-10000px';
node.style.top = '-10000px';
// Large font size makes even subtle changes obvious
node.style.fontSize = '300px';
// Reset any font properties
node.style.fontFamily = 'sans-serif';
node.style.fontVariant = 'normal';
node.style.fontStyle = 'normal';
node.style.fontWeight = 'normal';
node.style.letterSpacing = '0';
// Remember width with no applied web font
var width = node.offsetWidth;
node.style.fontFamily = font + ', sans-serif';
var interval;
function checkFont() {
// Compare current width with original width
if(node && node.offsetWidth != width) {
node = null;
// If all fonts have been loaded
if(loadedFonts >= fonts.length) {
if(interval) {
if(loadedFonts == fonts.length) {
return true;
if(!checkFont()) {
interval = setInterval(checkFont, 50);
Use it like:
waitForWebfonts(['MyFont1', 'MyFont2'], function() {
// Will be called as soon as ALL specified fonts are available