I am writing some UI tests using Selenium and i have a JavaScript Tree control, using the Dojo toolkit.
I have implemented a context menu for each node of the tree using the examples that Dojo provide, but I need the Selenium test to "invoke" the right click on the tree node, but I cannot get this to work. The tests simply do not simulate the right-click event through JavaScript, and the context menu does not show up.
Has anyone had any experience in invoking the right click on a context menu using Dojo and Selenium? Or have any ideas as to how to do it?
try this instead, reason what things didn't quite work is that the context menu is in fact bound to the oncontextmenu event.
function contextMenuClick(element){
var evt = element.ownerDocument.createEvent('MouseEvents');
var RIGHT_CLICK_BUTTON_CODE = 2; // the same for FF and IE
evt.initMouseEvent('contextmenu', true, true,
element.ownerDocument.defaultView, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false,
false, false, false, RIGHT_CLICK_BUTTON_CODE, null);
if (document.createEventObject){
// dispatch for IE
return element.fireEvent('onclick', evt)
// dispatch for firefox + others
return !element.dispatchEvent(evt);