Vue: How to call .focus() on button click

ITWitch picture ITWitch · Mar 9, 2017 · Viewed 16.9k times · Source

I only started coding with vue.js yesterday, and I don't know how to "focus" on a textbox without using the "traditional" JS way, which is document.getElementById('myTextBox').focus().

Initially, my textbox is hidden. I have a "Start" button, and when the user clicks on it, the textbox is then displayed, and I want to set the focus there, so to speak. I already tried using ref, but to no avail (see code below).


<input id="typeBox" ref="typeBox" placeholder="Type here..." />


export default {
  name: 'game',

  methods: {
    startTimer () {
      setTimeout(function () { /* .focus() won't work without this */

        /* ugly and not recommended */
        // document.getElementById('typeBox').focus()

        /* Throws the error: Cannot read property 'typeBox' of undefined */

        // ... any other options?
          // ...

      }, 1)
  } /* END methods */

} /* END export default */

Does anyone know how to do this? Please help.


Adding autofocus on input does the trick of focusing right after the page is loaded. But in my app, there is a need to "refocus" on the input field several times without reloading the page, that's why I need a way to call .focus().


ITWitch picture ITWitch · Mar 10, 2017

Sharing the solution here just in case someone encounters the same problem...

I finally figured this out with the help of a senior programmer. I was also able to eliminate setTimeout along the way, using its vue version nextTick().

The correct JS code:

startTimer () {
    this.$nextTick(() => {

        // this won't work because `this.$refs.typeBox` returns an array
        // this.$refs.typeBox.focus()

        //this one works perfectly

} /* END startTimer */


When I used console.log(this.$refs.typeBox), it returned this array:

enter image description here

That's why for the code to work, it had to be typeBox[0].focus() instead of typeBox.focus().