I'm trying to create dynamically a chart using ng2-chart, I get information from an angular 2 service, when I change only labels of chart it works and when I change data only it works, but When I change both just data are updated in the chart. have any one an explication for this strange behavior.
my template :
<canvas baseChart height="130" width="180"
my class :
export class PlDoughnutComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(private homeService: TileServiceService) { }
ngOnInit() {
public util : UtilService = new UtilService();
public doughnutChartLabels:string[] = ['Download Sales'];
public doughnutChartData:number[] = [0,0,100];
public doughnutChartType:string = 'doughnut';
public updatePLdoughnut(){
then(res => {
this.doughnutChartLabels = res.PLtypes;
this.doughnutChartData = this.util.objectToIntArray(res.PLByTypes);
Apparently, if you do not modify the original reference to the labels array, it seems to work, at least for me. I mean, if you want a completely different set of labels, you should do something like this:
In the template:
<canvas baseChart
In the ts component:
this.lineChartLabels.length = 0;
for (let i = tempLabels.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Or, using new ECMAScript syntax:
this.lineChartLabels.length = 0;
The key is maybe the this.lineChartLabels.length = 0;
statement, which practically 'empties' your array by setting its length to 0, without modifying the reference.
Hope this helps!