Jest, through JSDom I imagine, does not have document.createRange
defined. How can I overwrite or provide this behavior?
The version we wrote for our custom JSDom + mocha setup (ran before all tests) looks like this:
global.Range = function Range() {};
const createContextualFragment = (html) => {
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = html;
return div.children[0]; // so hokey it's not even funny
Range.prototype.createContextualFragment = (html) => createContextualFragment(html);
// HACK: Polyfil that allows codemirror to render in a JSDOM env.
global.window.document.createRange = function createRange() {
return {
setEnd: () => {},
setStart: () => {},
getBoundingClientRect: () => {
return { right: 0 };
getClientRects: () => [],
Is there a way to provide this to jest?
I added the polyfill in setupTests.js
as described in this thread.
if (window.document) {
window.document.createRange = () => ({
setStart: () => {},
setEnd: () => {},
commonAncestorContainer: {
nodeName: 'BODY',
ownerDocument: document,
For it to work with TypeScript I had to add // @ts-ignore
above commonAncestorContainer