So assume I have the following array of objects:
var arr = [
{"name": "John", "score": "8.8"},
{"name": "John", "score": "8.6"},
{"name": "John", "score": "9.0"},
{"name": "John", "score": "8.3"},
{"name": "Tom", "score": "7.9"}
var count = 0;
var avgScore = arr.reduce(function (sum,person) {
if ( == "John") {
return sum + parseFloat(person.score);
return sum;
Question: Is there a way way to calculate the average score for "John" without creating a global count variable. Ideally, the count would be internal to the anonymous function in the arr.reduce.
To avoid global variables, use a standard solution like IIFEs or block scopes. However I guess you're looking for a way to avoid a mutable counter.
The simplest would be to drop all other persons beforehand:
var johns = arr.filter(function(person) {
return == "John";
var avgScore = johns.reduce(function (sum, person) {
return sum + parseFloat(person.score);
}, 0) / johns.length;
But you can also use a count
that is passed along with the sum in an object:
var stats = arr.reduce(function ({count, sum}, person) {
return ( == "John")
? {count: count+1, sum: sum + parseFloat(person.score)}
: {count, sum};
}, {count:0, sum:0})
var avgScore = stats.sum / stats.count);
(using ES6 object property shorthands and destructuring)