I would like to mock a function with Jest, but only if it is called with specific arguments, for example:
function sum(x, y) {
return x + y;
// mock sum(1, 1) to return 4
sum(1, 1) // returns 4 (mocked)
sum(1, 2) // returns 3 (not mocked)
There is a similar feature implemented in the Ruby's RSpec library:
class Math
def self.sum(x, y)
return x + y
allow(Math).to receive(:sum).with(1, 1).and_return(4)
Math.sum(1, 1) # returns 4 (mocked)
Math.sum(1, 2) # returns 3 (not mocked)
What I'm trying to achieve in my tests is a better decoupling, let's say I want to test a function that relies on sum
function sum2(x) {
return sum(x, 2);
// I don't want to depend on the sum implementation in my tests,
// so I would like to mock sum(1, 2) to be "anything I want",
// and so be able to test:
expect(sum2(1)).toBe("anything I want");
// If this test passes, I've the guarantee that sum2(x) is returning
// sum(x, 2), but I don't have to know what sum(x, 2) should return
I know that there is a way to implement this by doing something like:
sum = jest.fn(function (x, y) {
if (x === 1 && y === 2) {
return "anything I want";
} else {
return sum(x, y);
expect(sum2(1)).toBe("anything I want");
But it would be nice if we had some sugar function to simplify it.
Does it sounds reasonable? Do we already have this feature in Jest?
Thanks for your feedback.
I found this library that a colleague of mine wrote recently: jest-when
import { when } from 'jest-when';
const fn = jest.fn();
const result = fn(1);
Here's the library: https://github.com/timkindberg/jest-when