Track event in google analytics upon clicking form submit

at. picture at. · Nov 3, 2010 · Viewed 70k times · Source

I need to track an event in google analytics when someone fills out a form and clicks submit. The resulting page that comes up is a standard dashboard-type page, so in order to track the event on that page I'd have to pass in the event in the url and then read the url and output the google analytics event tracking javascript code based on it. This is a frequently bookmarked page though and page that is reloaded, clicked back to, etc. So I'd really rather not pass tracking events in the URL and screw up the analytics.

Instead, I'd much rather do something like the following jQuery code on the page with the form:

$('#form_id').submit(function() {
  _gaq.push('_trackEvent', 'my category', 'my action');

The problem I fear with the above is that I'm going to miss some events being tracked because immediately after calling that javascript the browser is going to submit the form and go to another webpage. If the utm.gif tracking image isn't loaded in time, I miss the event :(.

Is my fear justified? How do I ensure I don't miss events being tracked?


flu picture flu · Sep 17, 2012

Use Google Analytics hitCallback

You can specify a custom callback function on the tracker object.

_gaq.push(['_set', 'hitCallback', function(){}]);

The callback is invoked after the "hit is sent successfully."

If you want to track a click on a submit button and send the form afterwards you can use the following code (uses jQuery) for your event:

var _this = this; // The form input element that was just clicked
_gaq.push(['_set','hitCallback',function() {
    $(_this).parents('form').first().submit(); // Submit underlying form
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'My category', 'My action']);
return !window._gat; // Ensure that the event is bubbled if GA is not loaded

Or as onclickone liner for your <input type="submit"> element:

onclick="var _this=this;_gaq.push(['_set','hitCallback',function(){$(_this).parents('form').first().submit();}]);_gaq.push(['_trackEvent','My category','My action']);return !window._gat;"

What it does it that it tracks the event My category/My action, uses jQuery to find the underlying form element of the submit button just pushed, and then submits the whole form.

See: Google Analytics - Sending Data to Google Analytics - Hit Callback (thanks supervacuo)

UPDATE If you're using modern analytics.js code with ga() function defined, you can write this as following:

var _this = this;
ga('send', 'event', 'My category', 'My action', {
    'hitCallback': function() {

return !;