Can I bind form inputs to models in Backbone.js without manually tracking blur events?

Julien picture Julien · Nov 2, 2010 · Viewed 53.1k times · Source

I have a backbone.js app ( where I want to bind my form inputs directly to my model (a la Sproutcore).

Is it possible with Backbone.js (or other tools) without actually tracking each blur events on the inputs and updating the model manually? This seems like a lot of glue code.



Malcolm Sharman picture Malcolm Sharman · Mar 1, 2011

There is an even nicer way to handle this if your model includes lots of properties in it.

SampleView = Backbone.View.extend({
    el: "#formEl",

    events: {
        "change input": "changed",
        "change select": "changed"

    initialize: function () {
        _.bindAll(this, "changed");

    changed:function (evt) {
       var changed = evt.currentTarget;
       var value = $(evt.currentTarget).val();
       var obj = {};
       obj[] = value;

There is a reliance on your input elements having an id the same as the what the name of the property in your model is.