Am currently learning MEAN stack, developing a simple TODO's app and want to implement Role Based Access Control (RBAC) for that. How do i set up roles & permission on MongoDB.
I want 3 roles (roles may look funny but this is purely to learn) :
GOD - similar to super admin, can do anything in the application. C,R,U,D permissions for TODO's and for other users too. Can Create a TODO & assign it to any SUPER HERO or MAN directly. Update or Delete either a TODO or a User at any point in time.
SUPER HERO - similar to admin, has super power to do anything on his personal Data - C,R,U,D for TODO's. Can't create any users. Can only Read & add comments for TODO's created by GOD & assigned to him/her.
MAN - Can only Read and add comments to TODO's assigned to him/her.
To sum it up :
GOD - C,R,U,D [Global Level]
SUPER HERO - C,R,U,D [Private] + R,U [Assigned to him]
MAN - R,U [Assigned to him]
I understand that i need to have USERS & ROLES collections. Where ROLES inturn should have PERMISSIONS etc. How do i wire them all ?
I like names given to roles - GOD, SUPER HERO & MAN, easy to understand.
As you are using MEAN stack and much of routes validation happens on node
, i would prefer keeping roles table simple.
Roles :
_id : 1,
name : GOD,
golbalPerms : true
_id : 2,
name : SUPER HERO,
privatePerms : true
_id : 3,
name : MAN
Users :
_id : 111,
name : Jesus,
roleId : 1
_id : 222,
name : BatMan,
roleId : 2
_id : 333,
name : Jack,
roleId : 3
When user logs in and sending user
object back to client, make sure to replace roleId
with corresponding role
object from DB.
Coming to code on Node JS :
By completely understanding your usecase we can divide them into following methods -
Lets go step by step, CreateUser.
Routes code snippet :
app.all('/users', users.requiresLogin);
// Users Routes
.post(users.hasPerms('globalPerms'), users.create);
In your Controller you can validate based on the input globalPerms
, if validated allow to create user by calling next()
else return
with corresponding error message.
Now CreateTodo && DeleteTodo :
Both of them pretty much work on same logic with a small trick.
Routes code snippet :
app.all('/todos', users.requiresLogin);
// Users Routes
.post(users.hasPerms('globalPerms','privatePerms'), todos.create);
.delete(users.hasPerms('globalPerms','privatePerms'), todos.delete);
For creating a Todo, globalPerms
are with GOD & privatePerms
are with SUPER HERO, both of them can be allowed.
Trick here will be in todos.delete
method, just ensure === todos.createById
else SUPER HERO may go on to delete Todos created by GOD.
ReadTodo :
When a TODO is created it should have a createById
stored likewise when a TODO is assigned to someone then assignedTo
and assignedBy
should be recorded too.
This makes lot of other operations easy to handle.
- give GOD all TODO's data.
- give TODO's either createdBy him/her or assigned to him/her.
user.role.globalPerms === undefined && user.role.privatePerms === undefined
- its MAN and give TODO's which are only assignedTo him.
UpdateTodo & CommentTodo :
This is exact replica of what ReadTODO does so DIY
Last one, AssignTodo :
Simple one, === todos.createdById
then he can assign it to anyone.
Two things to keep in mind here :
As assigning part mostly happens on your UI (Angular) front, i have given that approach of checking === todos.createdById
. Logged in user any ways will see all TODO's by read operation and can assign it to anyone he/she likes.
Make sure a SUPER HERO can only assign a TODO to himself or other SUPER HERO or to a MAN but not to GOD. How you show Assign to options on UI front is out of scope of this question. This is just a heads up.
Hope this was clear.
NOTE : There was no necessity to give permissions to MAN in Roles collection & we managed all possible operations with out that.