how do I properly escape the cancel button without throwing an error when using promises? My code throws an alert confirmation with a required checkbox. the code executes as it should to the user, but it throws an error in the console window:
Uncaught (in promise) cancel
//validation logic all passes...Now proceed to...
//determine and parse Discounts
var myLookup = document.getElementsByName("myLookup")[0].value;
$.post( "findthem.php", {myLookup: myLookup })
var theResponse1 = $.parseJSON(json_data);
myDiscountRate = theResponse1['ourDiscountFound'];
}).then( function(callback){
priceRate = priceRate * (1 - (.01 * myDiscountRate));
newRate = priceRate.toFixed(2);
title: "Confirm",
input: 'checkbox',
inputValue: 0,
type: "warning",
inputPlaceholder: 'I agree to <a href="#blahblahMore"></a> Your new Rate is :'+newRate,
showCancelButton: true,
confirmButtonText: 'Confirm',
showLoaderOnConfirm: true,
preConfirm: function(result) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (result) {
$.post("my.php", {
Data: data
function(json_data) {
var data_array = $.parseJSON(json_data);
var moreDetails = '';
var resulting = 'error';
var details = "Transaction Declined"
if (data_array["trxApproved"] == true) {
resulting = 'success';
details = "Confirmed"
moreDetails = "<br>Approved<b>" + data_array["approved"] + "</b>" +
"<br>Details Code: <b>" + data_array["detailsCode"] + "</b>";
type: resulting,
title: details,
html: "<h1>Details: </h1>" + data_array["messagetext"] + moreDetails
} else {
reject('You must agree to our Terms & Conditions ');
allowOutsideClick: false
}).then(function(json_data) {
Update (Jan 2017): This issue has been fixed in v7: v7 upgrade guide ↗
You need to add a rejection handler to the Promise. Alternatively, you can use .catch(swal.noop)
as a quick way to simply suppress the errors:
PS. the package you're using is called SweetAlert2, not SweetAlert. In future questions please mention it so you can get more relevant answers.