IE9 HTTPS security is compromised by my Greasemonkey script?

heffaklump picture heffaklump · Oct 11, 2010 · Viewed 49k times · Source

I’ve got a Greasemonkey-for-IE script in IE9 that’s importing jQuery. But on secure pages it doesn’t work.

I’m getting:

SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by

The code that fails is:

var script = document.createElement("script");

How can I make this work? The script doesn’t cause a problem in Firefox.


Nick Craver picture Nick Craver · Oct 11, 2010

You can eliminate the issue with simpler code by using a scheme-relative URL like this:

var script = document.createElement("script");

This will use http:// on an http:// page and https:// on an https:// page...a much simpler way to solve the issue.