I have a long string, which I build using ES6 template strings, but I want it to be without line breaks:
var string = `As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript
expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names.
For example, below we can use expression interpolation to
embed for some readable inline math:`
As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript
expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names.
For example, below we can use expression interpolation to
embed for some readable inline math:
My expectations:
As all string substitutions in Template Strings are JavaScript expressions, we can substitute a lot more than variable names. For example, below we can use expression interpolation to embed for some readable inline math:
This is insane.
Almost every single answer here suggest running a function runtime in order to well-format, buildtime bad-formatted text oO Am I the only one shocked by that fact, especially performance impact ???
As stated by @dandavis, the official solution, (which btw is also the historic solution for unix shell scripts), is to escape the carriage return, well, with the escape character : \
`foo \
bar` === 'foo bar'
Simple, performant, official, readable, and shell-like in the process