Add rows before the column header using excel.js module + node

Mariya James picture Mariya James · Jun 15, 2016 · Viewed 16.4k times · Source

I am trying to create xslx file using excel.js module in node.js. I was able to create the columns and add its values. But, I need to insert some rows before the columns headers, where I can have some descriptions. How can I do that?

I need something like this

Any help will be appreciated

The code I tried is

     var worksheet = workbook.getWorksheet(1);
    var row = worksheet.getRow(1);
    row.getCell(1).value =' Hello, World!'; 
   // ... merged cells are linked 
    worksheet.getCell('A1').value = 'PI';
    worksheet.columns = [
        {header: 'Id', key: 'id', width: 10},
        {header: 'Name', key: 'name', width: 32},
        {header: 'complexity', key: 'complexity', width: 10},
        {header: 'hours', key: 'hours', width: 10},
        {header: 'cost', key: 'cost', width: 10}
     worksheet.addRow({name:'m', complexity: 'd', hours:5, cost: 7});


dim picture dim · Mar 18, 2018

Found answer at

> @rihabbs: I need to do like this example [![enter image description here][1]][1] [1]:

> @mfahmirukman:

sheet.mergeCells('C1', 'J2');
sheet.getCell('C1').value = 'Client List'

/*Column headers*/
sheet.getRow(9).values = ['idClient', 'Name', 'Tel', 'Adresse'];

/*Define your column keys because this is what you use to insert your data according to your columns, they're column A, B, C, D respectively being idClient, Name, Tel, and Adresse.
So, it's pretty straight forward */
sheet.columns = [
  { key: 'idClient'},
  { key: 'name'},
  { key: 'tel'},
  { key: 'adresse'}

/*Let's say you stored your data in an array called arrData. Let's say that your arrData looks like this */
arrData = [{
  idClient: 1,
  name: 'Rihabbs',
  tel: '0123456789',
  adresse: 'Home sweet home'
  idClient: 2,
  name: 'mfahmirukman',
  tel: '0123456789',
  adresse: 'Indonesia'
/* Now we use the keys we defined earlier to insert your data by iterating through arrData and calling worksheet.addRow()
arrData.forEach(function(item, index) {
     idClient: item.idClient,
     adresse: item.adresse